

Let It Go, Let It Go


Let It Go, Let It Go

            If the sin is forgiven, do you continue to remember it?  If it is your sin, do you hope others will forgive and forget it?  Are you willing to do the same for someone’s sin if it is forgiven as you are hoping they will forgive yours? 

            We know God will do this in 1 John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. God does not set a limit on what He will forgive nor the number of times He will forgive. We know He will forgive if we confess our sin.

            Forgiven sin is not meant to carry. It is removed from the heart of God not to be remembered, recalled, or relived. God calls upon us to experience the cleansing and change from the past to a walk of righteousness. Is what God does to cleanse us from sin tough for Him?  It is not for me to guess or doubt. It is for me to believe. I leave the removal to God. It is my responsibility to admit the sin and know He will cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

            Overlooking the same old offenses is tough for a lot of reasons. We tend to think, if they really cared about me and their relationship with God, they would change. They would not do it again.

           Why would we keep a tally of another’s fault, when God removes them? If we are demanding a perfection in our homes or within brethren rather than extending mercy and abundant grace, relationships suffer. It is not our responsibility to keep a “record of wrongs” and feed our slight superiority over our spouse, children, or brethren. Guard that grudge. Remove the pride.

            Our homes and the church would look so much different if we choose grace. If we choose patience, encouragement, and hope, and let the sin go, love would shine and peace would be the air we’d breathe.

            Try this. Have a 20-Daily Prayer to be quick to confess, show mercy, slow to anger, diligent to exhortation, and patient to help those in your home and in the church who cannot seem to “get it right” or “have trouble getting past __________ “. Lend a hand toward conversion. Your mercy could prevent the next sin from occurring. Do all you can to exercise James 5:19,20. “My brethren, if any among you err from the truth, and one convert him;  let him know, that he who converteth a sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins”.