

An Emotional Man (5)


An Emotional Man (5)

      Here is my last, certainly not the total, of the images of Jesus’ emotions. His sorrow, joy, and love are vividly shown in scripture and cannot be dismissed or excused. The lessons we learn from them places us with the responsibility to duplicate the image of Christ within our life without excuse, without dismissal, and without exception. Such an emotion is below.

      His Love  (and compassion)

      Man speaks of this emotion possibly more than all the rest of the emotions manifested by Christ. Jesus’  love and compassion are summarized in Acts 10:38, “who went about doing good…”  His love is extolled as a form of compassion. It is compassion for the unfortunate and unworthy.

      How was the Lord’s love and compassion witnessed?

      Jesus saw the distress of the widow of Nain and had compassion on her by bringing her son back to life (Luke 7:11-13). He had compassion to two blind men and gave them sight (Matthew 20:34). He healed a leper (Mark 1:41). Fed the hungry (Matthew 15:32). At the time Jesus hung from the cross, He showed compassion to His mother and John “whom he loved” (John 19:25-27).

      Jesus’ compassion was not only toward physical illness, disease, or wants. It was the spiritual want where His compassion was most often extended. The emotion of love and compassion was heightened by His sight of those distressed as sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36,37). They needed spiritual healing and recovery, and probably did not know it.

      One case where His compassion toward spiritual want was evident is Mark 8:11-13. Jesus “sighed deeply in his spirit”, an emotion of compassion for unbelievers wanting more than Jesus’ presence. It is when sin hardens one to unbelief, Jesus’ heart of love sighs deeply. He has compassion upon those doomed to judgment and wants to rescue them, wishing they would obey His truth to set them free (John 8:32). It is when someone lacks faith to obey, we should love them with the truth like Jesus would do.

       Jesus’ love and compassion is witnessed and remembered most in John 15:13,14. It was when He laid down His life for man. Before He was done with declaring His love, He exhorts the same from the disciples in v.17. This same act and emotion are what you and I need to display to others. Our Lord committed himself to continue this love by saying to the apostles by saying, “I will be with you always” (Matthew 28:20). That is emotion. That is love and compassion. See, believe, and become how God wants your emotions to be like His Son, an emotional man. It is a glorious pursuit. Walk by the Spirit. Go and do thou likewise…