

An Emotional Man (1)



An Emotional Man (1)

“…He was despised, and rejected of men;  a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:  and as one from whom men hide their face he was despised; and we esteemed him not…”  (Isaiah 53:3)

      In those words above lies the character of a man unappreciated, reviled, missional, and sacrificial. His love for mankind took Him to this point with trust in the Father. He is a different man than most people may view Him.

      There are pictorial images of Jesus as a man with a beard, long hair, lonely, smooth skinned, red cheeks, blue eyes, gentle hands, tall, handsome, slender, etc. These images of Christ are displayed in pictures and movies, but in scripture “..he hath no form nor comeliness; and we when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him…”  The gospels are silent about His appearance, but His emotions are plainly revealed. They are not hidden, masked, excused, or modified for the reader. Jesus emotions spell out who He is due to the character He possessed. All of them are manifested without sin (Hebrews 4:14-16). All of them are involved in His desire to do the will of the Father (Hebrews 10:7).

      Someone described more than twenty different emotions Jesus expressed:  affection, anguish, anger, compassion, distress, grief, gladness, indignation, joy, love, peace, sadness, sympathy, troubled, and weary. All of these we have expressed or witnessed in others. The challenge is displaying them with the right motive, in the right way, and at the right time. Jesus never expressed these emotions as a means of getting attention, prejudice, or frivolously. His emotions were just, genuine, and powerful. It is when we read about our Lord’s emotions, we cannot say God is not moved by what man does or what happens to him. Acts 17:28,29 says our God is near, nearer to be touched, nearer to feel, and more than a lifeless idol or any such thing.

            His Sorrow, His Joy, His Anger, and His Love are the emotions Jesus expressed we will review in each of the following messages. As we read and witness them in scripture, see if we, His disciples, reflect the same emotions in the righteous way He showed them. If so, then we are truly His disciples…