

Enough For Each Day


Enough For Each Day

            When you vowed “until death do us part”, did you know how long that would be?  You have in your heart the idea it will last forever. You have faith it will. There are no doubts. “Our marriage will last a lifetime.” It’s the pledge you made. The everlasting commitment you and your spouse made is what you believe will hold you together forever.

            With the above in mind, how much money do you believe you and your spouse will spend in a lifetime?  The figures would blow your mind. It could be an excessive amount of money. It would be an amount which would depress you or cause you to think, “I don’t know if we will make it”. Couples seldom think about how much money they will spend in a lifetime together, but they do wonder if love will be there. A wife hopes her husband will always show her affection. A husband hopes his wife will always respect him.

            Do you know how much love, respect, communication, service, patience, forgiveness, devotion, and time you will have to put into your marriage over a lifetime?  Most couples know their promise: “until death do us part”, but never think about HOW MUCH time and work it takes to make it last that long. For some it will last as long as they believe they are receiving the right amount of affection, appreciation, and attention. That could be ten years or eleven months or eight weeks or fifteen days.

            God designed marriage to last forever. He desires every man to leave and cleave to his wife and become one flesh permanently (Genesis 2:24). There are no guarantees your marriage will last forever. There is no guarantee love, mercy, or honor will always be there. Therefore, God gives each person in a lasting marriage enough energy to love and cleave to each other ONE DAY AT A TIME.   

            For those of you who are thinking “I wish we had more time together”, “I wish I had more energy for my spouse”, “I wish we communicated more”, “I wish we….”, you can do that. Do not think of it in terms of having a dump truck load of love, communication, or time delivered to your marriage in one day. Take today and love your spouse. Take today and become spiritually intimate. Take today and communicate. Take today. When you cleave to your spouse each day and put all those days together, you have a lifetime of marriage and the more one fleshed you and your spouse become physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.  What a beautiful marriage that is……