

The Truth About Following Jesus IN the World  - 1


The Truth About Following Jesus IN the World  - 1

“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” (John 17:16)

            Jesus prayer to God about His apostles set the stage for the theme of every disciple’s walk in the world. It is a challenge. It is hard. We are IN this world. Trying to not be OF the world at times reaches a stage of worry and impossibility with Christians.  Why?   We frequently expose ourself or allow ourself to be exposed to all that is in the world. There is no way we avoid everything in the world, but constant exposure is a problem to living by faith and maturing in the wisdom of God.

            We were born INto this world and had no choice in the matter. The world is where we start and IN the world is where we will end. Taking the apostles out of the world is not what Jesus wanted. He wanted them to stay. It was not forever. He requested God let them stay and provide them protection from the evil one (John 17:15). Is He not asking the impossible?  No!  He is asking for the necessary thing. The necessary thing we often view is avoiding the world, while God is asking the necessary thing of exposing godliness to the world through us.

            We are not “stuck here”, our call IN the world is the same as Jesus;  to “show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).  The world is not an “unfortunate” place to live. It is a bonanza of opportunity to live in the world by a set of standards which come from heaven to the world (Ephesians 3:8). This is what Jesus meant by saying, “Sanctify them in the truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17). Allowing the message of truth to be our guide IN the world OF error, hypocrisy, and false doctrines, presents the world with the integrity, justice, and righteousness it is missing.

            This world has long been exposed to injustice and lies. Trust is missing in relationships. Honesty has disappeared in many social settings. Lies have been accepted as truth by the one telling it as well as the one listening to it. Ethical misconduct is understood as “part of the business”.  Reliance, dependability, and accountability are items of character few seem to charge their own heart to have.  Where then will righteousness be found?  Who has it to give?  Where is the resource for the truth needed IN this present world? As a final word of exhortation, hear Titus 2:12 instruction to Christians. “Live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world”.