

What Would Happen to the Body?


What Would Happen to the Body?

            1 Corinthians 12:12-31 explains clearly the necessity of each member of the body of Christ. The church does not consist of one member. Not all the members function the same. Every member is placed there by God. No one can declare any member insignificant. The body pleases God when each member fulfills their role. What would happen if members in the body of Christ did not honorably fulfill their role?

            What would happen?  The church would be an institution of ministries. When members fail to complete the task God has assigned, ministries of all sorts and sizes are created. These ministries would range from teaching teenagers how to cook or remain pure to senior adult care in a church built and maintained facility. Providing family crisis training for the community at a minimal cost. Have a ball team to keep the young men from leaving the Lord. All of this because the members of the body of Christ do not have time nor skilled to know what to do. They would rather contribute more money or ask the church to purchase the services of a resource outside the church to do its work for them. While all these ministries would supply “what the members need”, the members learn nothing about their role in building up the body of Christ. To them a church is an institutional learning organization, fun-providing, and services center to satisfy the needs of the members, whatever they may be.

            What would happen?  The church would be divided, not united.   1 Corinthians 12:25 says the church has the ability to fulfill every task God assigned so, “that there be no division in the body”.  When division develops no one does what needs to be in done in the body. Each member looks to another to do it. One other member looks at the other member surprised they would look to them to help provide what the church needed. One member would say, “I can’t!”. Another member would say, “I’m not!”  The next member says, “Don’t ask me!”  The rest of the members ponder and murmur why someone does not do it. Brethren know a problem exists. They know there is a need. It is announced. It is discussed after services. Members talk about it over dinner. Others corner an elder asking him when this matter is going to be resolved. Brethren fuss. No one is happy. Brethren leave. Division results.

             What would happen?  The church would lose its spiritual light and influence. When institutional ministries take the place of member responsibilities and local church division exists because the work is not done, the church’s spiritual influence dies down to a flicker. We feel good after a gospel meeting or occasional potluck for the members, but the spiritual growth of the members and its focus on teaching unbelievers and growth in the knowledge of the Lord has diminished. When the church needs teachers, some “don’t know enough and are not comfortable teaching. When the unfaithful member is weak, “I’m not sure it is going to do any good because they have been gone so long”. Where is the light for the future. Jesus may be reach to “disconnect our service” and blow out the candlestick, because brethren are living inconsistent, non-committed lives, and signs of the Holy Spirit are so dim, there is barely enough energy “to keep the lights on”.     This is what happens to the body!!