

Tuning in to God's Voice


Tuning in to God’s Voice

            You have probably heard a particular voice long enough to be very familiar with it.  It is your spouse’s, parent’s, or child’s voice. You know from the tone of the voice if your loved one is in trouble or excited. Because of your connection with them, you are tuned in to what is needed and how you can help…

            When God spoke to Elijah on Mount Horeb, He could have done so in the wind, earthquake, or fire. Instead, He spoke with a “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). God asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (v.13), as he hid from Jezebel who had threatened to kill him. Elijah’s reply revealed what God already knew – his fear and discouragement. Elijah said, “I have been most zealous for Jehovah. The children of Israel have forsaken they covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword, and I, even I only, am life…” (v.14). At times, our troubles and successes drown out God’s “small still voice”.  We hear our hurt more than we hear of God’s help. We hear our worry more than we hear of God’s care. We hear our attainments more than we hear God’s strength. We hear our talents and accomplishments more than we hear God’s grace which provides us the abilities we possess. We should humbly hear what His voice says about what we have yet to do (Luke 17:10).

            Jesus said in John 10:27,28, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and the follow me”. Christians should always tune in to the Lord’s voice. His instructions lead to everlasting life. His promises are dependable. His guidance is always truth and never deceptive or destructive. His voice carries greater value, because it guides our heart into who we should become (Proverbs 23:7). If our heart pays more attention to the noise of the world, it will drown out anything Jesus says. Therefore, we have a choice when it comes to our friends, TV, popular music, and religious beliefs. Can we hear the voice of God above all the other voices wanting our attention?  Are we listening for Him to direct our thoughts, words, and actions?   We know there are responsibilities we have by living the world, but as you live, tune in to the “still small voice” of God. Let His words direct your actions in those responsibilities. Hear Him. Follow Him.