

Days Never Come Back


Days Never Come Back

            “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work”.  (John 9:4)

            Summer is about over. Longer days are ending. Shorter days mean less time for work outside and more work inside. Soon an hour less will mean less time to play outside.

            Our infinite God has never been limited by time or space no matter what time of year it is. Although Jesus came to do the work of God in a given number of days. Each day had to be used wisely. After each day was spent, it would not be recovered.

            Having less time becomes serious when our tendency is to "waste time." “Wasting time” is such a frustration for a parent or a boss. If we take time and “throw it away”, we throw away a portion of our life which is unrecoverable. We have thrown away all we had – the present. When the next second passes, the present becomes the past and none of those seconds ever come back.

            Beside what Jesus said above, hear how Paul describes time in Ephesians 5:15,16. "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil."

            “Be careful”. How many times have you said that or had someone say it to you? Too many! It is not usually in the context of time. It is often said as a warning to “watch what you are doing”. This is how time is used best – with care in each step. Walk with care. Walk in understanding. Walk in wisdom. Walk away from foolishness. Walk each day refusing to surrender to evil. Walk continually toward heaven.   

            Time is not God’s blessing to rush, rush, rush or squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Neither is coast, slouch, or cruise as if time were an unlimited resource. Both extremes are harmful and counterproductive. Time is a treasure. Time is a steward’s work of God. It is placed in our hands to be used with wisdom, discipline, and goodness. If we let opportunities “go by”, we may have some more left, but the one we “let go” never comes back. Whatever we “let go” did not glorify God as much as it should have. Friend, we do not have many days left. We cannot afford to let them go into nothingness. If anything, salvation needs to be our steward’s work every day (2 Corinthians 6:2;  Philippians 2:12).