

What a Church Selecting Shepherds (Elders) Means…


What a Church Selecting Shepherds (Elders) Means……

1.   We are willing to place ourselves under your oversight.

2.   We will follow you and the other elders as the Chief Shepherd leads you in righteousness.

3.   We will honor you as God’s ordained servants whom we trust to lead us in our spiritual well-being.

4.   We will not listen to an accusation against you except at the mouth of two/three witnesses - 1 Timothy 5:19.

5.   You can count on us to cooperate with you in any work which is scripturally good.

6.   We will conduct ourselves in a manner well-pleasing to God for you to do your work with joy and not with grief – Hebrews 13:17.

7.   We will pray for you and will be understanding as you grow in your work of shepherding and thank God for your desire to serve and do hard things.

8.   We will talk with you about any matter. If you need to speak with me, I will agree to arrange a suitable time for us to talk.

9.   We do not want you to lord over us, but we will respect you and the leadership you provide.

10. We will follow in faith, serve in love, be involved with hope, and work together in peace.

11. We will endeavor to have the unity of the Spirit among us for you do not need us to be divisive and complaining.

12. We appreciate your courage and commitment to our faithfulness and our soul resting in heaven.

13. We will listen to your wisdom and warnings of the false teachings of those who wish to lead us astray.

14. We will be more than followers. We will be examples ourselves of the Chief Shepherd and lead others to Jesus as well.

15. We will honor your wife with prayer and thanksgiving to continually be your helper and receive with you the joy of your service as a shepherd of the flock of God.